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Charlie started in the entertainment business with his own Salt Lake City based show, "Hotel Balderdash," on which he played several different characters; as well as hosting Arizona based shows such as, "Dining Out In Arizona," "Chrome Highway," and "At Home in Arizona." He has also appeared in movies and network television programs such as: "The Highriders," "Good-bye, Franklin High," "The Lucifer Complex," "Greatest Heroes of the Bible," and "Mark Twain's America." His most recent film, "Out of Reach," will be released in the Summer of 2007.

Saturday, November 28, 2009


The word is that Jeff Bridges will take on the role of Rooster Cogburn in the 2010 version of "True Grit." Reports are that Matt Damon may play Texas Ranger, La Boeuf, originally played by Glen Campbell, while Josh Brolin has been approached to play Robert Duvall's original role as Tom Chaney. The role of Mattie, played by Kim Darby in the original, is up for grabs at this time. The producers, Joel and Ethan Cohen are said to be approaching the film from Mattie's viewpoint as it was in the book.


"High Noon" and "Rio Bravo," one a dark, somber, black & white film from 1952, the other a 1959 action film in color with vivid, bigger than life, characters. On the surface they couldn't be different, but the reality is there might not have been a "Rio Bravo" if not for "High Noon."
The earlier film is a simple tight story that takes place, in real time, during the morning hours leading up to the gunfight at noon. The latter film unfolds at a leisurely pace with more characters at it's core to develop.
In "High Noon" the townspeople - including the marshal's mentor and his deputy - are for the most part cowards. Frank Miller, a crazed outlaw, has been pardoned and is coming to town to exact revenge on Kane for sending him to jail. Although Kane has retired, and is leaving town with his Quaker bride (Grace Kelly), he decides it's his responsibility to defend the town. The townspeople, however, want him to leave, believing that Miller and his gang - who are already waiting at the train station for their boss - might leave them alone if he does. The conclusion finds Will standing up to the Miller Gang on his own, until help comes at the last minute from a surprise supporter.
The final scene of the film shows Cooper taking his badge off, throwing it on the ground, and leaving Hadleyville with his bride. As a side note, to make sure the scene went right (watch it closely), Gary Cooper actually palms the badge he takes off and only acts like he throws it on the ground. The camera then quickly pans down to show a duplicate badge that had already been set in place at Will's feet. This particular scene angered John Wayne, which he incorrectly remembered in an interview as the scene where Gary Cooper stepped on the badge as he walks off.
"Rio Bravo" takes the same basic story and adds the Wayne/Hawks' touch. Instead of waiting for the outlaw to come to town to exact his revenge, Sheriff John T. Chance has jailed Joe Burdette for murder. His brother, powerful rancher Nathan Burdette, swears to get his brother out of jail one way or another; this is the villain coming to town. Unlike "High Noon," where the gang watches the town from the train station, waiting for their leader, Burdette's gang actively quarantine the town - no one in, no one out. Also, unlike Will Kane's quest for help, John T. Chance actually has help from a crew of misfits that bring the right 'color' and a touch of humor to the story. The old codger type "Stumpy" (Walter Brennan), the town drunk "Dude" (Dean Martin), and the young gunslinger "Colorado" (Ricky Nelson). Not only does this mix add some amusing moments, as well as some terrific character study, but it covers all the bases for the different age groups watching the film - it perfectly covered all the demographic areas. Brennan for the older crowd who had enjoyed him in film roles for years, and were then enjoying him in his TV series,"The Real McCoys." Singer Dean Martin, whom had recently broken up with his longtime showbiz partner Jerry Lewis, and recently enjoyed a terrific resurgence in "The Young Lions," with Marlon Brando and Montgomery Clift, was there for the pop crowd. Ricky Nelson, who was enjoying a thriving career in rock and roll, as well as his family's long running television show, "The Adventures of Ozzie and Harriet," was there for the teens. And then, of course, there was the Duke himself. Already a superstar, this film would help establish his film persona for the next decade. To be fair to "High Noon," from the standpoint of characterization, the real time storyline doesn't allow for anyone's character development but that of Will and possibly his bride.
John Wayne and director Howard Hawks hated "High Noon," feeling it showed the American West and it's settlers in a bad and cowardly light. Wayne went so far as to say it was the "most unAmerican thing I have ever seen." They also believed that the earlier film had Communist undertones. Wayne and Hawks vowed to one day set the record straight by making their own film version of such events, which they would do 7 years later with "Rio Bravo."
Was the charge of Communist leanings in one of the great Westerns of all time true? The story behind the story of "High Noon," next time.

Monday, November 16, 2009


Many film-goers view the western film genre as nothing more than a "shoot-em-up." Good guys vs. bad guys with the good guy usually winning in the end. Very little plot changes from film to film - only in character names and locale. You might say, "Isn't this why we go to them, because we know what we're getting?" In the case of the standard B Western this may be right - I still love to see a good Audie Murphy or Randolph Scott oater, compared to some of their expensive big-league relatives.
However, on another level, Westerns provide a great platform for their creators to expound on their political beliefs. Let me give you some examples from the great director John Ford.
Ford was a master at providing great entertainment while making a statement with his Westerns. In the 1946 classic "My Darling Clementine" Ford presented his version of the events leading up to and during the gunfight at the OK Corral. Flawed and historically inaccurate, Ford believed that when the "legend is more interesting than the truth, print the legend." Thus, one of the catalysts for the feud is the killing of James Earp. James would actually die of natural causes in 1926 many years after the October 26th, 1881 gunfight. But why nit-pick with minor characters to the event? In the film, Doc Holliday isn't a dentist but a surgeon. Victor Mature, save for coughing up a bit of blood in a handkerchief, looks like he just came from the gym and dies in the gunfight. Old Man Clanton, who actually had died two months before the gunfight, appears at the corral for the fight which lasts much longer then the 30 seconds it actually took. As far as the corral it is just that - a simple corral area on the outskirts of Tombstone - the actual shootout took place outside the OK Corral not in it. This is just a small dose of the legend Ford creates in the film - however he does make a point of the polital sense of the time through the conflict of the Earp clan and the Clantons for control of the town. No simple gunfight, but a fight for power-positioning in Tombstone, no matter how simplistic Ford makes the story.
Ford's terrific trilogy of calvary films, "Fort Apache" (1948), "She Wore a Yellow Ribbon" (1949), and "Rio Grande" (1950), dealt with Indian uprisings in the west, but "Fort Apache," a retelling of Custer's last stand, with Henry Fonda's Lt. Col. Owen Thursday standing in for Custer, transposed the action to Arizona. The politics are clear. Thursday is a stubborn, arrogant leader who refuses to listen to reason. As a result, he leads his men into a trap in which they are killed through his bad judgment. It is through John Wayne's character, Captain Kirby York, the conscience of the film, that the message is brought home loud and clear. For moral and morale purposes, Thursby must be remembered as a hero who lead his men bravely. When all is said and done, York realizes that he must play the politician, however personally distasteful, and put a politically correct "spin" on the event - in this case "when the legend is important to save face, forget the truth and print the legend."
In 1956, John Ford tried to balance the scales in helping us to see both sides of the relationship with Native Americans in "The Searchers." If Ford used political manuvering to tell a good story in "Fort Apache," with "The Searchers" he brought home the fact that there are indeed two sides to this part of history. This time racism is brought to the fore-front in the hatred Ethan Edwards shows towards Commanches, for what they have done to his brother's family. It's a complicated story that evolves through many years. It has a strong message leading to a very tense reunion between Edward's and his niece - some say it may actually be his daughter, although it is never mentioned - as played by Natalie Wood and the Duke. The ending is the way it should be with Edward's story unresolved and evolving, as is the west and man's understanding of the changing times. No simple solutions other than he has brought his "niece" home for a happy reunion of sorts - but for how long?
Ford carried the political fires of racism one step further in 1960. "Sergeant Rutledge," is a comment on the racial turmoil of the 1950s and 1960s, disguised as a John Ford cavalry film. The story of a black soldier, 1st Sgt. Braxton Rutledge (Woody Strode), accused of killing his commanding officer, and then raping and murdering the officer's daughter, is more a courtroom drama than a full blown Western. The familiar Ford theme of an Indian uprising is still apparent in the form of flashbacks shown during the trial. Ford's message rings loud and clear when Sgt. Rutledge remarks in his defense, "It was alright for Mr. Lincoln to say we was free. But it ain't so! Not yet! Maybe someday, but not yet," it's a clear and bold statement by Ford on racism - though not so much racism of the 1980s, but of the time the film was made. The truth and legend had now come closer together, but once again legend would take the forefront in Ford's next political Western, "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance."
"The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance," is a film whose reputation has grown with time. In 2007, it was selected by the Library of Congress for preservation in the United States Film Registry, as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant," (but then again, so was "My Darling Clementine")for it's portrayal of the old west. At the time of it's release, it was thought of by many as a very slow, black and white, studio bound, John Wayne western with a catchy title tune. This isn't fair to the film or Wayne. While film-goers had gotten used to the action of "Rio Bravo," "The Horse Soldiers," "North to Alaska," or "The Commancheros," "Liberty Valance," taken on it's own merits, is a well crafted character study and should not be judged along with the typical John Wayne westerns of the period.
The fact is that John Wayne is not really the prominent character in the film, yet it is his character of Tom Doniphon that is the dominent character that thrusts the story forward to it's bittersweet conclusion. This film really belongs to James Stewart and Edmond O'Brien, but it is the memory of Doniphon that takes the final bow long after his character has faded from view.
The ending returns to Ford's view that the legend must overcome the facts for the sake of the story and those involved. Thus, Senator Ransom Howard (Stewart) must live with the fact that not only his public but personal life is a lie. He has served as a congressman, a governor, and even ambassador to Britain, now as a Senator he is a potential candidate for vice-president of the United States. All this was made possible due to the belief that he is the man who shot Liberty Valance (Lee Marvin). It is the ultimate dark joke of legend vs. truth as viewed by John Ford. Legend must prevail, because it is one man's reason for success at the expense of the truth - the very foundation of political "truths."
In 1964, Ford would make his final western film, "Cheyenne Autumn." It was as if Ford was trying to rectify any misunderstandings he had made about the noble Native Americans. As opposed to the simplicity of most of his Westerns, it is an epic with an "all-star" cast. Shot in his favorite local of Monument Valley, it tells the story of the long trek 300 Cheyenne took in 1878, from their relocated reservation in the Oklahoma territory to their home in Wyoming. Seen as an act of rebellion by the U.S. government, Captain Thomas Archer (Richard Widmark)is ordered to lead his troops against the tribe. The press (yes, even back then the press was up to their tricks) misrepresent the reasons behind the trek which stirs up more animosity for the Cheyenne. Secretary of Interior, Carl Schurz (Edward G. Robinson), tries to stop any violence between the army and the Cheyenne, but politics abound on the frontier and in Washington. "Cheyenne Autumn," is ripe with political manuverings and thoughtful dialogue, but short on action. The very story has to be politically correct in order for both the Native Americans and the U. S. government not to appear in a bad light. There are two versions of this film, one includes a comical interlude featuring Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday, played by James Stewart and Arthur Kennedy respectively. It doesn't fit well into the story, but either version gives us a film that meanders. "Cheyenne Autumn" is overblown and over-long. Ford would only make three more films after this one and none where Westerns.
As politically motivated as many of Ford's westerns were, there was one western film in particular that caused quite a firestorm in the early 1950s. Next time I will tell how one critically acclaimed Western was heavily influenced by the hunt for Communists in the film industry, and how this film begat another popular Western in angry response 7 years later.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009


Starting this Friday, I will be doing a regular segment on Dakota Livesay's "Chronicle's of the Old West," syndicated radio program. This week, we will be discussing the "High Noon" and "Rio Bravo" connection, and how the HUAC Communist trials of the late 1940s, and early '50s played a part in these classic western films. I will add information on this connection right here this week to complete the discussion, so stay tuned.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009


October 9 - 11
Lone Pine, California
This is the one not to miss if you can make it.
This year is a 20 year retrospective for the festival.


Tuesday, September 29, 2009


A big Happy Birthday to the great Gene Autry. Born this day, September 29, 1907 - October 2, 1998.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009



Come see my new show "Footlight Frenzy." It's a great show and very funny. I feel privileged to be on stage with such great actors: Peter J. Hill (also the director), Noel Irick, Roger Prenger, Sean Owen, and the one and only Jessica Godber.

August 28th - November 15

Dinner: 6:30pm
Show: 8:00pm

Lunch: 12:30pm
Show: 2:00pm

For Reservations and Info:
Call: (602) 279-3129
Website: http://www.coppperstatedinnertheater.com/


I have been in discussions with present publisher with resuming publication of my 2nd book. It may be back on the market real soon.

Monday, September 21, 2009


The 25th Annual Andy Devine Days Celebration and Rodeo will be held in Kingman the weekend of September 25th. It's gonna be a great time so try and make it, and help the town celebrate their most famous son, while enjoying the rodeo, and the wonders of Route 66.
I can tell you that I have been in talks with the wonderful people of Kingman, and you can expect next year to be bigger and better than ever! They are excited to spread the word about one of the greatest character actors to ever appear on the big and small screen, Andy Devine and the famous Rt. 66 that goes right through the heart of downtown Kingman.
I am amazed at the sights to see around Kingman and the friendliness of the people. Spend some time there and you will feel like one of them, they are that warm and friendly.
Next year we are looking forward to some great celebs up there and hopefully show some of Andy's classic films like: "Stagecoach," and "The Man Who Shot Liberty Valance," both directed by John Ford and starring John Wayne; as well as his films alongside Roy and Dale, and episodes of "The Adventures of Wild Bill Hickok."
Add to that a look at what life was once like along Route 66, and the area around Kingman is a real treat for film, and history buffs. Thanks to everyone up there for making me feel so welcome. Give them a visit and you'll see what I mean.

I have come across some real hard to find Western titles with stars like Tom Mix, Buck Jones, Col. Tim McCoy, the Hoxies, Bob Steele, Tom Keene, William S. Hart and the great William Farnum - well he was very popular during the silent period. I also have some of the later Hoppys produced by William Boyd himself, during the time when he was trying to get away from the familiar dark suit. If you're interested in knowing what I have drop me a line and I'll get you a title and price list.

If any of you have access to the television station WHT they've been showing the "Lone Ranger" season starring John Hart. Very interesting. Recently I was put on the spot and asked who I would like to interview and I was at a loss, but John Hart is definately a person I would like to talk with, along with Noel Neill, Phyllis Coates and the great Dennis Hopper who worked with the Duke on "The Sons of Katie Elder," and "True Grit."

On the homefront, I'm working on my new book tentively titled, "The Old Hollywood Trail," in conjuction with a series of radio commercials I've been producing. Denny Miller has agreed to write an intro for it. When that is done, I will then be looking for a new publisher for my second book, "Riding the Hollywood Trail," which is currently out of print. I only have one copy myself! So for those of you who have been asking when it will be available again, well . . . it will be awhile.

See Ya On the Trail!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009


It is with extreme regret and sadness that I announce the passing of a stuntman supreme and dear friend, Whitey Hughes. Whitey was one of those great men - and he was a great man - who you alway looked forward to seeing. He always had a smile on his face and a kind word.
Whitey wasn't a tall man in stature, but no one was bigger in kindness and action.
Born Robert James Hughes in Arkoma, Oklahoma on November 9, 1920, due to his small frame Whitey stunted for women as well as man, doing stunt work for such stars as: Reno Browne, Lynne Roberts, Rita Hayworth, Lana Turner, and Virginia Mayo as well as, Johnny Crawford on The Rifleman, Bobby Diamond on Fury, and my friend, Jon Provost as Timmy on Lassie. Other shows he worked on include: Wyatt Earp, Bonanza, Rawhide, and Gunsmoke. For 4 seasons (1965 - 1968) Whitey was the stunt co-ordinator for the popular television show, The Wild, Wild West.
Whitey would continue to work through the 1990s in such shows as: Wonder Woman, Buck Rogers, The Fall Guy, and films like Men in Black.
My sympathy and love go out to his wife of almost 60 years, Dottie. For more info check out his official website. We'll miss ya Whitey!


For a great time and a delicious dinner, come to the Copperstate Dinner Theater, May 29- August 16 for Trust Me, I'm a Doctor. And guess who's playing the doctor? Yours truly.
The info is below:
Friday & Saturday Evenings: Dinner 6:30 Curtain 8:00.
Sunday Matinee: Dinner 12:30 Curtain 2:00
DINNER AND SHOW IS GENERALLY $39.95. Mention my name and get a special discount for dinner and show!
CALL (602) 279-3129

Saturday, April 25, 2009


I have been way too late in getting this tribute to Monte Hale up on the site. The very last of the living singing/Republic Pictures cowboys passed away on March 29th. He was the first of the "B" cowboys at Republic Pictures to have his own "Color" series of films. He will be missed by his fans who felt the comfort in the knowledge that he was still with us. Adios old friend.

Thursday, April 16, 2009


Thank-you to LeeAnn Sharpe and all those at the Wild West Gazette; Sid Hagel, and Bob Roloff - as well as John Wayne Anderson and everyone else involved, for the honor of being a recipient of the Spirit of the West Alive award on Wednesday, April 15th. This award is given to those who have helped to keep the western spirit alive. Past recipients include: Bob Boze Bell, Marshall Trimble, Hugh O' Brian, Michael Dante, and Bruce Dern.
Added thanks to "The Arizona Duuude" Bob Roloff for the great Spirit of the West T-Shirt which I will wear proudly! Also, a very big thanks to local Arizona personality and great friend, Sam Meranto, for the special framed and autographed photo of the two of us. It is on the wall beside the wonderful award I received.
And a very big thanks to those who attended the ceremony!

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Buzz from the Stars

According to Buck Taylor, when I asked him about the goatee he was growing, he told me that it was for the prequel to Tombstone. Val Kilmer has written the script concerning Doc Holliday before the famous gunfight. Kilmer will of course star.

Another Batman alumni is in the buzz about a Lone Ranger re-do. During a panel discussion at the Festival of the West this year, one of the stars told me that George Clooney is rumored to be set to play the Lone Ranger, while Johnny Depp will play Tonto! Anyway, that's the buzz!

Monday, March 23, 2009


It was quite a year at the festival. Bruce Dern - a great guy and a terrific interview - was there. Hugh O' Brian held court and performed some magic tricks. Robert Fuller, Denny Miller, Buck Taylor, and Ben Cooper were terrific as usual - they are always anxious to answer their fans' questions and have a bit of fun. Clint Walker was mobbed by his fans, as usual, and only made one of my panels, but he is always terrific.
Also, Ed Faulkner was a joy as always, as was Stella Stevens, Beverly Washburn, Cheryl Rogers-Barnett, Peter Brown, Ty Hardin, Michael Dante, Wyatt McCrea - keeping the family name alive - classic bad guy, Tom Reese, Mike Moroff, and Rex Allen, Jr.
I met the great screen and television writer, Paul Savage - one of my new best friends. Child actor, Richard Eyer was there as well but I didn't meet him. Many memories of my childhood come from films like: "The Invisible Boy," and "The 7th Voyage of Sinbad," that Eyer appeared in.
On to next year!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Check out my review of: "Sukiyaki Western Django" at BC - Blogcritics Magazine.

Thursday, January 22, 2009


Alright I just got a list of those who will be attending the NATIONAL FESTIVAL OF THE WEST at Westworld in Scottsdale from March 19 through the 22nd. They are:
Rex Allen, Jr., Peter Brown, Don Collier, Ben Cooper, Michael Dante, Richard Eyer, Ed Faulkner, Robert Fuller, Ty Hardin, Robert Horton, Whitey Hughes, Denny Miller, Mike Moroff, Hugh o' Brian, Tom Reese, Rusty Richards, Stella Stevens, Buck Taylor, Paul Savage, Lincoln Lageson, Clint Walker, Beverly Washburn, and Johnny Western. WHAT A LINE-UP!

Panels will include: For the first time, the three trail scouts of "Wagon Train," Robert Horton, Denny Miller, and Robert Horton; plus Marilyn Horton - one of the greatest women ever - has suggested that we have a panel with just the wives. That should be interesting!

If you can't make it to the festival, and have questions you would like me to ask them, let me know and I'll be glad to get the answers for you.

For more info on the festival go to: http://www.festivalofthewest.com/

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Charlie LeSueur - Actor, Entertainer and Author

Charlie LeSueur - Actor, Entertainer and Author

Westerns to Watch

The Man Who Came Back (2008)Eric Braeden, George Kennedy
Aces N' Eights (2008)Bruce Boxleitner, Ernest Borgnine
3:10 to Yuma (2008)Russell Crowe, Christian Bale, Peter Fonda
Lone Rider (2008) Lou Diamond Phillips, Stacy Keach
Prairie Fever (2008) Kevin Sorbo, Lance Hendrickson
The Pledge (2008) Luke Perry, C. Thomas Howell
Appaloosa (2008) Ed Harris, Viggo Mortensen

Redemption, A Mile from Hell - This independent film by my friend, Anthony Casanova, is getting terrific reviews. I recommend that you give it a look - now out on DVD.

If you have film suggestions let me know. Or comment on the ones I have added.


Monday, January 5, 2009

Western Films to Watch

I want to share Western films that I find are worth watching. Anyone want to join in, please do.
My favorite Western of all time is "Rio Bravo." It just seems to have all the right elements. Without going into much of it's background, I have probably seen it more then any other Western. Of those that are a little more 'current,' I'd have to include; "Silverado," "Tombstone," "Open Range," and the remake of "3:10 to Yuma." Ah heck, "Appaloosa" should be on the list as well; plus Ed Harris' television version of "Riders of the Purple Sage," was very good.
Anybody out there want to share their favorites?